Toxics Gases
Transmitter EC28
The smart transmitter
Whereven hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 and GfG's proven monitoring systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEXcertified design, an integrated, Ex-proof buzzer and bright alarm LEDs provide highest safety including visual and audible alarm even in hazardous areas. Thus the gas alarm does not only alert the man in the control room but also the person at site.
- Reading of gas concentration at transmitter display
- Ex-proof visual and audible alarm
- ATEX certificate II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4 / II 2 G EEx em [ib] IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter by means of touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor - Sensor replacement without opening of casing
CI 21 Transmitter
Low Maintenance Ammonia Detection
The charge carrier injection (CI 21) sensor is a progressive
development to improve upon current ammonia refrigeration
detection methods. With CI 21 technology sensor life is no longer
limited to ammonia exposure levels. This reduces replacement
costs associated with electrochemical sensors.
Charge carrier injection technology also eliminates false alarms
frequently associated with metal oxide sensing (MOS). These,
along with other features, provide reliable, cost effective, longterm
The CI 21 transmitter is an advanced development to which all
other ammonia transmitters will be compared.
- Stable long-life charge-carrierinjection sensor
- Sensor is unaffected by exposure to high gas concentrations
- Low temperature operation to -40oF
- Low cross-sensitivity
- Eliminates costly false alarms
- Low cost of ownership
Transmitter IR 24
Stationary monitoring of carbon dioxide (CO2)
The IR 24 does not contain any moving parts,
which may be subject to wear and tear. This
ensures a long lifetime and low maintenance
cost. Additional safety is provided by the permanent
self-check and function test of the
GMA controller. Sensor and electronics are
protected in a solid enclosure from dust and
water according to IP 54. This ensures that
water cannot enter the detector, even in wet
Behind a service lid on the front of the IR 24
you find potentiometers and test connectors
for easy adjustment of zero point and span.
This allows one-man calibration on-site and
reduces service down-time.
- Selective NDIR detection principle
- Long sensor life for low follow-up cost
- Easy handling
- Signal output either 0.2 .. 1 mA or 4 .. 20mA
- Potentiometers for easy adjustment of zero point and span
- Connectors for test of output signal
- Solid aluminium casing, IP 54
- High reliability and repeatability of measurement results
CS 21 Transmitter
Low Cost Solid State Sensor
The CS 21 transmitter uses the proven chemosorption detection principle for detection of toxic gases, vapors and combustibles. The rapid response of the transmitter provides opportunity to take counter measures and thereby limit damages. The long life of the sensors makes the CS 21 a low-cost solution for your detection needs. A transmitter can be continuously operated for more than 5 years
- High sensitivity to a broad range of refrigerants
- Long sensor life
- Fast response
EC 36 Transmitter
SAM Smart Area Monitor EC 36 - Stand alone
The EC 36 is a stand-alone transmitter. In every EC 36
there is a sensor, control electronic and relays for
triggering of alarms. LEDs in the front panel immediately
indicate the alarm. The signal output is provided as a 4..20
mA signal.
The EC 36 is the most enhanced single point gas detector
available offering features never known to the industry.
Equipped with AutoCal, the EC 36 can be comfortably
calibrated in a matter of seconds. A 17 mm high backlight
LCD-display indicates the gas concentration, status report
and, if operated in service mode, all settings. In
applications where the display of the EC 36 cannot be read
because of its mounting position, a remote display is easily
connected to an interface. Using the remote control, nonintrusive
remote calibration can be performed, making
forklifts or ladders a thing of the past.
- Integrated alarm control
- 3 alarm relays
- AutoCal for easy and fast calibration
- Illuminated 4-digit LCD display for easy reading
- Extremely rugged casing
- Remote control and remote display - even for Exendangered areas
- Smart Sensor Technology
Transmitter EC24
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
The EC24 is a robust gas transmitter for the detection of toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen in ambient air. The electrochemical sensor measures very selectively and prevents expensive fault alarms. The amplifying electronics of the transmitter provide a very exact transfer of the measuring signal to the controller. Potentiometers and connectors behind the service lid allow a calibration at site. The casing protection is available up to IP68. That watertight design provides the EC24 with a protection against dirt, and splash water.
- Long life sensors - reduced cost of ownership
- High selectivity
- 0.2 .. 1mA or 4 .. 20mA signal output
- Service lid for:
- measuring the output signal
- simple one-man at site calibration
- Robust aluminium casing, IP52 (IP66 enclosure)
- Plug-in sensor in stainless steel casing, interchangeable without opening the detector
Transmitter EC28 D
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
Wherever gas hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 D and GfG’s proven control systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEX-certified design provides the highest safety even in hazardous areas. LED indicate operation (green) or fault (red).
The transmitter EC28 D reads the current gas concentration at site on the display with a four-digit LCD for measurement values, messages and service. Adjustments and function tests are done directly with three touch keys under the transmitter display
- Gas concentration reading at transmitter display
- ATEX certified II 2 G Ex emb [ib] IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter via touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor
- Sensor replacement without opening housing
Transmitter EC28 DA
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
Wherever gas hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 DA and GfG’s proven controller systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEX-certified design provides the highest safety even in hazardous areas. LED indicate operation (green) or fault (red).
The transmitter EC28 DA reads the current gas concentration at site on the display with a four-digit LCD for measurement values, messages and service. Adjustments and function tests are done directly with three touch keys under the transmitter display. Integrated buzzer and bright alarm LED make this transmitter a complete gas warning system. This avoids the cost for an Ex-proof buzzer and flashlight, and saves money for the wiring between controller and alarm. The gas alarm does not only alert the control room but also the person at site.
- Gas concentration reading at transmitter display
- Ex-proof visual and audible alarm
- ATEX certified II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 / II 2 G Ex emb [ib] IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter via touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor
- Sensor replacement without opening housing
Transmitter EC28 DAB
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
Wherever gas hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 DAB and GfG’s proven control systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEX-certified design provides highest safety even in hazardous areas. LED indicate operation (green) or fault (red).
The transmitter EC28DAB provides a modbus-interface for communication of several transmitters in a loop. It reads the current gas concentration at site on the display with a four-digit LCD for measurement values, messages and service. Adjustments and function tests are done directly with three touch keys under the transmitter display. Integrated buzzer and bright alarm LED make this transmitter a complete gas warning system. This avoids the cost for an Ex-proof buzzer and flashlight, and saves money for the wiring between controller and transmitter. The gas alarm does not only alert the control room but also the person at site
- Gas concentration reading at transmitter display
- Ex-proof visual and audible alarm
- ATEX certified `II 2 G Ex emb [ib] IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter via touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor
- Sensor replacement without opening housing
- Modbus-interface
Transmitter EC28 DAR
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
Wherever gas hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 DAR and GfG’s proven control systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEX-certified design provides the highest safety even in hazardous areas. LEDs indicate operation (green) or fault (red).
The transmitter EC28 DAR reads the current gas concentration at site on the display with a four-digit LCD for measurement values, messages and service. Adjustments and function tests are done directly with three touch keys under the transmitter display. Integrated buzzer and bright alarm LED make this transmitter a complete gas warning system. This avoids the cost for an Ex-proof buzzer and flashlight, and saves money for the wiring between controller and alarm. With an additional relay further alarm devices can be connected, e.g. to monitor differerent Ex-areas. The gas alarm does not only alert the control room but also the person at site.
- Gas concentration reading at transmitter display
- Ex-proof visual and audible alarm
- With relay for additional external alarms
- ATEX certified `II 2 G Ex emb [ib] IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter via touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor
- Sensor replacement without opening housing
Transmitter EC28 Di
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
Wherever gas hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 Di and GfG’s proven control systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEX-certified design provides the highest safety even in hazardous areas. LED indicate operation (green) or fault (red).
The transmitter EC28 Di reads the current gas concentration at site on the display with a four-digit LCD for measurement values, messages and service. Calibration and function tests are done directly with three touch keys under the transmitter display. It complies with the highest safety requirements with certified intrinsic safety
- Gas concentration reading at transmitter display
- ATEX certified II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter via touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor
- Sensor replacement without opening housing
- Intrinsically safe
Transmitter EC28 i
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
Wherever gas hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 i and GfG’s proven control systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEX-certified design provides the highest safety even in hazardous areas. LEDs indicate operation (green) or fault (red).
The transmitter EC28 i is certified intrinsically save to give the highest possible level of safety.
- Transmitter EC28 ifor toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
- ATEX certified II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter via touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor
- Sensor replacement without opening housing
- Intrinsically safe
Transmitter EC28 DB
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
Wherever gas hazards are to be expected, the transmitter EC28 DB and GfG’s proven control systems are the right choice for reliable surveillance. The ATEX-certified design provides highest safety even in hazardous areas. LED indicate operation (green) or fault (red).
The transmitter EC28DB provides a modbus-interface for the communication of several transmitters in a loop. It reads the current gas concentration at site on the display with a four-digit LCD for measurement values, messages and service. Calibrations and function tests are done directly with three touch keys under the transmitter display.
- Transmitter EC28 DBfor toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
- Gas concentration reading at transmitter display
- ATEX certified `II 2 G Ex emb [ib] IIC T4
- One-man calibration at transmitter via touch keys or remote control
- Plug-in Smart Sensor
- Sensor replacement without opening housing
- Modbus-interface
Transmitter EC22
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
The EC22 is equipped with high quality GfG sensors. The transmitters are fitted with high-performance electronics for voltage stabilization, processing of readings, and temperature compensation. Follow-up costs are minimized thanks to the long lifespan of the sensors.
- Long service life of the sensors
- High efficiency and low follow-up costs
- Sturdy plastic housing (IP54)
- Cost-effective single-man adjustment
- Affordable solution for many measuring tasks
Transmitter EC22ex
for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen
The CC22ex uses the Catalytic Combustion (CC) measurement principle, a proven measurement method for monitoring combustible gases. It is intended for use in Zone 2 hazardous areas. Voltage stabilisation, processing of the measured value output and temperature compensation are all handled by the smart electronics. The long service life of the sensors reduces operating costs.